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How Much Do Dental Implants Cost Boca Raton Clinic Answers Truthfully

Dr. Gregg Weinstein, DDS • March 7, 2023

Dr Greg  00:06

You’ll find a big variance in implant prices and advertising. When you look at the dental implant industry, it’s gotten so big that there are companies that are actually cloning the well-known brands. And the implants themselves are a lot cheaper. They don’t have much of a track record; they may look like the other implants. There are certain brands that should be used in the US and abroad, like Nobel BioCare Stroman, or Neodent. These are high quality brands — or even Zimmer. And what happens is you get into other companies that knock them off. One will cost X amount, and a dentist can buy the clone for a quarter of that amount. But sometimes you’re not getting exactly what you pay for. You want an implant with a strong track record of success and known osseointegration, and no problems. The big companies are backed by science, many years of science and engineering. And the smaller companies that are cloning them haven’t really done that except for trying to copy their design. I feel like patients should be asking questions. What brand of implant is this? What brand of restorative component is this? What are you using, a top brand implant? Are you using a clone of an implant or using an off brand? It just needs to be asked because that couple of $100 could be the difference between using a premium branded implant or a knock-off.

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